
If you didn’t find what you were looking for or simply want to do more research, check out this list of books, movies and websites that we found helpful when starting out!

  1. The Chicken Whisperer’s Guide to Keeping Chickens

This book is the perfect mix of text and images, teaching you everything you need to know without being overwhelming. This was my first chicken book about seven years ago and is still applicable today!

2. Evergreen

Evergreen is an organization in Toronto that promotes sustainable practices in cities, including urban agriculture.

Check out some of their resources at


This forum has been endlessly helpful whenever I needed any information poultry related (or otherwise)! You can read their articles and become a member so that you can post questions and get them answered by a huge chicken network. 🙂

4. Once Upon a Flock

This book wasn’t particularly informative but is a very entertaining read about a women’s journey to getting her own backyard chickens! The language is pretty easy, I remember first reading it when I was in grade 5 or so. It also helps that there are the most adorable drawings!